The complexity of software applications is growing. The code quality is important in order to make the application stable and easily extensible.
Unfortunately almost every developer, including myself, in his career faced with bad quality code. And it’s a swamp. Such code has the following harmful characteristics:
- Functions are too long and do too many things
- Often functions have side effects that are difficult to understand or even debug
- Unclear naming of functions and variables
- Fragile code: a small modification unexpectedly breaks other application components
- Poor or missing code coverage
It sounds very common: “I don’t understand how this code works”, “this code is a mess”,”it’s hard to modify this code” and the like.
Once I had a situation when my colleague quit his job because he dealt with a REST API on Ruby that was hard to maintain. He received this project from previous team of developers.
曾经有一次我的同事放弃了他的工作,只因为他要处理的一个用Ruby编写的REST API太难维护。而那个项目是由之前的开发团队手中接手的。
Fixing current bugs creates new ones, adding new features creates a new series of bugs and so on (fragile code). The client didn’t want to rebuild the application with a better design, and the developer made the correct decision to quit.
修改现有的bug会产生新的更多的bugs,添加一个新的功能会引发一连串的连锁反应,产生很多bugs等等诸如此类的情况(这也就是我们所说的fragile codes)。如果客户不想重构更好的应用设计,那么作为开发者最明智的决定就是退出。
Ok, such situations happen often and are sad. But what do to?
The first to keep in mind: simply making the application run and taking care of the code quality are different tasks.
On one side you implement the app requirements. But on the other side you should take time to verify if any function doesn’t have too much responsibility, write comprehensive variable and function names, avoid functions with side effects and so on.
The functions (including object methods) are the little gears that make the application run. First you should concentrate on their structure and composition. The current article covers best practices how to write plain, understandable and easy to test functions.
Functions should be small. Really small 函数要小且足够的小
Big functions that have a lot of responsibility should be avoided and split into small ones. Big black box functions are difficult to understand, modify and especially test.
Suppose a scenario when a function should return the weight of an array, map or plain JavaScript object. The weight is calculated by summing the property values:
- 1 point for null or undefined
- 2 points for a primitive type
- 4 points for an object or function.
- 未定义和null值表示1分
- 一个简单对象是2分(含有零个或多个的key/value对)
- 函数和自定义对象是4分
For example the weight of an array [null, ‘Hello World’, {}] is calculated this way: 1 (for null) + 2 (for string primitive type) + 4 (for an object) = 7.
例如一个对象集合是 [null,’hello world’,{}],计算公式是:1(for null) + 2(for string) + 4(for an object)= 7
Step 0: The initial big function 原始的庞大函数
Let’s start with the worst practice. The logic is coded within a single big function
1 | function getCollectionWeight(collection) { |
The problem is clearly visible. getCollectionWeight() function is too big and looks like a black box full of surprises.
You probably find it difficult to understand what it does from the first sight. And imagine a bunch of such functions in an application.
When you work with such code, you waste time and effort. On the other side the quality code doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable. Quality code with small and self-explanatory functions is a pleasure to read and easy to follow.
Step 1: Extract weight by type and drop magic numbers按照参数和类型简化代码的权重
Now the goal is to split the big function into smaller, independent and reusable ones. The first step is to extract the code that determines the weight of a value by its type. This new function will be named getWeight().
Also take a look at the magic weight numbers: 1, 2 and 4. Simply reading these numbers without knowing the whole story does not provide useful information. Fortunately ES2015 allows to declare const read-only references, so you can easily create constants with meaningful names to knockout the magic numbers.
Let’s create the small function getWeightByType() and improve getCollectionWeight() accordingly:
让我们来创建一个更小的函数getWeightByType() 并优化一下getCollectionWeight() 如下
1 | // Code extracted into getWeightByType() |
Looks better, right?
getWeightByType() function is an independent component that simply determines the weight by type. And reusable, as you can execute it in any other function.
getWeightByType() 这个函数独立成一个部件,能够计算出当前的类型,可复用,你可以在其他任何函数里面调用。
getCollectionWeight() becomes a bit lighter.
WEIGHT_NULL_UNDEFINED, WEIGHT_PRIMITIVE and WEIGHT_OBJECT_FUNCTION are selfexplanatory constants that describe the type weights. You don’t have to guess what 1,2 and 4 numbers mean.
Step 2: Continue splitting and make it extensible 继续分割,让它可扩展
However the updated version still has drawbacks.
Imagine that you have the plan to implement the weight evaluation of a Set or even other custom collection. getCollectionWeight() will grow fast in size, because it contains the logic of collecting the values.
Let’s extract into separated functions the code that gathers values from maps getMapValues() and plain JavaScript objects getPlainObjectValues(). Take a look at the improved version:
1 | function getWeightByType(value) { |
If you read getCollectionWeight() now, you find much easier figure out what it does. It looks like an interesting story.
Every function is obvious and straightforward. You don’t waste time digging to realize what the code does. That’s how the clean code should be.
Step 3: Never stop to improve不要停止重构
Even at this step you have a lot of space for improvement!
You can create getCollectionValues() as a separated function, which contains the if/else statements to differentiate the collection types:
你可以创建一个函数 getCollectionValues()作为独立的模块。用来通过判定语句区分不同的数据类型。
1 | function getCollectionValues(collection) { |
Then getCollectionWeight() would become truly plain, because the only thing it needs to do is: get the collection values getCollectionValues() and apply the sum reducer on it.
You can also create a separated reducer function:
1 | function reduceWeightSum(sum, item) { |
Because ideally getCollectionWeight() should not define functions.
In the end the initial big function is transformed into the following small functions:
1 | function getWeightByType(value) { |
That’s the art of writing small and plain functions!
After all these code quality optimizations, you get a bunch of nice benefits:
- The readability of getCollectionWeight() increased by self-explanatory code
- The size of getCollectionWeight() reduced considerable getCollectionWeight() function is now protected from fast growth if you plan to implement the weight calculation of other collection types
- The extracted functions are now decoupled and reusable components. Your colleague may ask you to import these nice functions into another project: and you can easily do that If accidentally a function generates an error, the call stack will be more precisebecause it contains the function names.
- Almost instantly you could determine the function that makes problems The split functions are much easier to test and reach a high level of code coverage. Instead of testing one big function with all possible scenarios, you can structure your tests and verify each small function separately
- You can benefit from CommonJS or ES2015 modules format. Create from extracted functions separated modules. This makes your project files lightweight and structured.
- 自解释代码使函数getCollectionWeight()的可读性大大增强了
- 函数getCollectionWeight()的体积明显减小了
- 当你添加判定值的数量的时候,函数getCollectionWeight()保持稳定的增长的速度。
- 分离出来的代码成为具有低耦合性和可复用性的组件。你的同事或许会请求你将这些非常棒的小组件应用到其他项目中去,这是轻而易举就可以实现的。
- 如果一旦有代码报错,报错堆栈更清晰因为他包含了函数的具体名称。你可以轻而易举的判定出出错的部分。分割出来的代码更易测试并且可以达到一个很高的测试覆盖率,从而使代码的可测试性提高。相比于这个,测试巨大的函数是很糟糕的。你可以为每一个函数构造测试并且独立的进行验证工作。
- 你可以按照CommonJS或者ES2015的模式去构造你的函数,将其分割成独立的小函数。这会使你的项目文件变得更加轻量和更有结构。
These advantages help you survive in the complexity of the applications.
As a general rule, your functions should not be longer than 20 lines of code. Smaller - better.
I think now you want to ask me a reasonable question: “I don’t want to create functions for each line of code. Is there a criteria when I should stop splitting?” This is a subject of the next chapter.
2. Functions should be plain 函数功能要单一
Let’s relax a bit and think what is actually a software application?
Every application is implementing a list of requirements. The role of developer is to divide these requirements into small executable components (namespaces, classes, functions, code blocks) that do a well determined task.
A component consists of other smaller components. If you want to code a component, you need to create it from components at only one level down in abstraction.
In other words, what you need is to decompose a function into smaller steps, but keep these steps at the same, one step down, level of abstraction. This is important because it makes the function plain and implies to “do one thing and do it well”.
Why is this necessary? Because plain functions are obvious. Obvious means easy to read and modify.
Let’s follow an example. Suppose you want to implement a function that keeps onlyprime numbers (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, etc) in an array, removing non prime ones (1, 4, 6, 8, etc). The function is invoked this way:
getOnlyPrime([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11]); // => [2, 3, 5, 11]
What are steps at one level down in abstraction to implement the functiongetOnlyPrime()? Let’s formulate this way:
To implement getOnlyPrime() function, filter the array of numbers using isPrime()function.
Simply, just apply a filter function isPrime() over the array of numbers.
简单来说,就是创建一个过滤器函数isPrime() 对数组成员进行过滤。
Do you need to implement the details of isPrime() at this level? No, becausegetOnlyPrime() function would have steps from different level of abstractions. The function would take too much responsibility.
你需要的做的只是在这个抽象级别上实现isPrime() 的细节?不,你错了。因为getOnlyPrime()函数会有很多不同级别的抽象。这个函数包含太多的任务在身。
Having the plain idea in mind, let’s implement the body of getOnlyPrime() function:
1 | function getOnlyPrime(numbers) { |
As you can see, getOnlyPrime() is plain and simple. It contains steps from a single level of abstraction: .filter() array method and isPrime().
Now is the time move one level down in abstraction.
The array method .filter() is provided by JavaScript engine and use it as is. Of course the standard describes exactly what it does.
Now you can detail into how isPrime() should be implemented:
现在你可以具体研究 isPrime()应该怎样被实现:1
2To implement isPrime() function that checks if a number n is prime, verify if any number from 2 to Math.sqrt(n) evenly divides n.
Having this algorithm (yet not efficient, but used for simplicity), let’s code isPrime()function:
1 | function isPrime(number) { |
getOnlyPrime() is small and plain. It has only strictly necessary steps from one level down in abstraction.
The readability of complex functions can be much improved if you follow the rule of making them plain. Having each level of abstraction coded precisely prevents the creation of big chunks of unmaintainable code.
3. Use concise function names使用简洁清晰的函数命名
Function names should be concise: no more and no less. Ideally the name suggests clearly what the function does, without the necessity to dive into the implementation details.
For function names use camel case format that starts with a lowercase letter: addItem(),saveToStore() or getFirstName().
函数命名一般会使用驼峰命名法——以小写字母开头,例如:addItem(),saveToStore() or getFirstName().
Because functions are actions, the name should contain at least one verb. For example deletePage(), verifyCredentials(). To get or set a property, use the standard set and getprefixes: getLastName() or setLastName().
因为函数是一种功能的实现,所以命名至少应该是包含一个动词。例如deletePage(), verifyCredentials().如果是为了设置或者是获取属性值,那个可以使用标准的set和get作为前缀:getLastName() 或者setLastName().
Avoid in the production code misleading names like foo(), bar(), a(), fun(), etc. Such names have no meaning.
并且要防止使用类似 foo(), bar(), a(), fun()等等的命名将我们带入歧途。这样的命名是无意义的。
If functions are small and plain, names are concise: the code is read as a wonderful prose.
4. Conclusion结论
Certainly the provided examples are quite simple. Real world applications are more complex. You may complain that writing plain functions, with only one level down in abstraction, is a tedious task. But it’s not that complicated if your practice right from the start of the project.
If an application already has functions with too much responsibility, you may find hard to reorganize the code. And in many cases impossible to do in a reasonable amount of time. At least start with small: extract something you can.
Of course the correct solution is to implement the application correctly from the start. And dedicate time not only to implementation, but also to a correct structure of your functions: as suggested make them small and plain.
Measure seven times, cut once.
ES2015 implements a nice module system, that clearly suggest that small functions are a good practice.
Just remember that clean and organized code always deserves investing time. You may find it hard to do. You may need a lot of practice. You may come back and modify a function multiple times.
1 | Nothing can be worse than messy code. |
What practice do you use to make the code organized? Feel free to write a comment bellow!